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Okay so this page is a little different than most pages on this blog. This is to look for a piece of media called Cecile and Her Very Own Universe, a 6 minute short that aired on Noggin in the summer of 2001. I've been looking for it for about 4 years now and I've been obsessed with finding it. If you scroll down to the bottom you'll find a Simba's Pride section. Hey this still is a Simba's Pride blog after all and I have a lot of fun making these kind of things.
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"A cartoon heroine for the new millennium, Cecile is a 12-year-old girl living in the huge, sprawling underground future world of Metro. She has a bionic arm, a canine computerized companion, and a secret. While everyone else is busy digging to the center of the giant planet, Cecile is doing the opposite. They don't know that she has a life "on the surface" where her curiosity leads her again and again. What she learns there lies at the heart of this unusual series, and her private diaries posted on will provide an intimate glimpse into her thoughts and feelings, and hopefully inspire viewers to chronicle their own thoughts and experiences. While tapping into kids' natural passion for science fiction, the series is designed to model the joy of discovery, exploration, and curiosity through a young girl's insatiable appetite for learning. Cecile generates her own questions, investigates the unknown, and joyfully shares her discoveries with others. Her character embodies a never-ending delight for learning."
Various screenshots and promotional images of Cecile and Her Very Own Universe
Cecile plays a guitar on the surface of Metro.
Cecile in the underground city of Metro with her dog, and an unknown character (Most likely Chuck)
Cecile and the surface on Metro near what seems like a giant tree filled with some kind of blue creatures.
Cecile holding her dog and blasting to the surface of Metro. From the clip in the Fablevision Demo Reel.
Cecile most likely going to the surface with her very anxious robotic canine companion. Also found in the Fablevision Demo Reel.
Cecile on her scooter on the surface of Metro. I'm not sure if it's her or it was just on the surface for some reason. Although this is unlikely as it's implied Cecile is the only one (besides her dog) to have gone to the surface, while everyone else is digging to the center of Metro.
A poster of Cecile and her dog along with the logo of the short. Notice the 2000 copyright. It most likely was created and meant to air on Noggin in 2000, but was pushed back to the summer of 2001. I like the detail in this poster, especially with their shadows.
A simplified version of the above poster where Cecile and her dog have more simplified shadows. Her dog looks really disappointed though or sad. What's with that?
The Original poster of Cecile and Her Very Own Universe showing the original concept of Cecile and her robotic dog. This was probably one of the first drawings of Cecile, and this poster was used to first announcement development of the short. It's interesting to see how much Cecile's design has changed. Her dog looks relatively the same, but Cecile changed so drastically. I do prefer her new design to her old design though.
A banner from the old Fablevision website Circa 2004. There's a close up of Cecile in the gif, most likely clipped from the poster above with the white background. This is a more high quality version of the image as well.
Another piece of art found in the files of the Old Fablevision website. According to the file name it's Cecile. Here she is holding an upside down sign that says "This Way" with an arrow. I'm unsure what this image was used for, but it was most likely pointing about something.
A lot like the gif above this is another promotional banner for Fablevision, talking about their services.
And finally a picture of Cecile again from the poster above.
Cecile and Her Very Own Universe + The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
Cecile and Kiara Comparison
While reading the description for Cecile and Her Very Own Universe, I found some parallels between Cecile and Kiara.
A cartoon heroine for the new millennium
The movie came out in late 1998 which isn't super close to the year 2000, but the movie was released in 1999 in other parts of the world which is a bit closer. Also Disney seemed to have a lot of faith in Simba's Pride and they probably were planning on using her for marketing along with the original Lion King. Simba's Pride did have merchandise made until about the mid 2000s. As for the heroine part, Kiara is one for sure. She managed to end a feud between her Pride The Pride Landers and the rival Pride of Scar followers, The Outsiders. She also believes in peace and the power of "We Are One" which has become my life motto.
While everyone else is busy digging to the center of the giant planet, Cecile is doing the opposite. They don't know that she has a life "on the surface" where her curiosity leads her again and again.
Kiara's curiosity leads her to The Outlands much like Cecile's curiosity leads her to the surface of Metro. Kiara is shown to be curious and playful throughout the movie. If Simba hadn't mentioned The Outlands to her, she probably wouldn't have even known it existed and not paid it any mind. I wonder if Cecile chases what ever the Metro version of butterflies would be, pretending to be a mighty hunter.
What she learns there lies at the heart of this unusual series, and her private diaries posted on will provide an intimate glimpse into her thoughts and feelings, and hopefully inspire viewers to chronicle their own thoughts and experiences.
A majority of The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride focuses on Kiara's thoughts and feelings. This is shown pretty clearly during the song We Are One. Before the song she even says "What if I don't wanna be queen? It's no fun...." Then during the song she sings this line "If there's so much I must be, can I still just be me, the way I am? Can I trust in my own heart or am I just one part of some big plan?"
Earlier in the film Timon and Pumbaa are sent out by Simba to be Kiara's babysitters. They're both overprotective of Kiara much to her dismay. When Timon calls her princess she replies "I'm not just a princess you know! That's only half of who I am!"
This is kind of mirrored later on when Simba assigns them to secretly keep an eye on a now grown Kiara who is on her first hunt. Kiara is hurt and betrayed that her father would break his promise of letting her hunt on her own. After a fire breaks out and she is "saved" by Kovu (As part of Zira's plan) she even confronts him about it.
Cecile plays her guitar for Kiara.
Cecile and Kiara

Cecile and Her Very Own Universe, Lost Media, Lost cartoons, lost shorts, lost animation, Noggin, Noggin 2001, Noggin 2000, Noggin 1999, The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride, The Lion King, Lion King, Lion King 2 Simba's Pride, Simba's Pride, Lion King 2, Lion King II, The Lion King II, The Lion King II Simba's Pride, Nickelodeon, Nicktoon, Nicktoons, Kiara, Princess Kiara, Disney Princess Kiara, Forgotten Disney Princess, Forgotten Disney Princess Kiara, Forgotten Cartoons, Forgotten Animation, Forgotten Disney, Forgotten Nickelodeon, Forgotten Nicktoons, Fablevision, Edits, Lion King crossover, The Lion King Crossover, The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride Crossover, Simba's Pride crossover, The Lion King 2 Crossover, Cecil and Her Very Own Universe, Concept art, screenshots, screencaps, Noggin Screenshots, Noggin Screencaps, Classic Noggin, 2000s Noggin, 2001 Noggin, 2000 Noggin, 1999 Noggin, Rare Noggin, Rare Noggin Stuff, Forgotten Nickelodeon, Forgotten Nicktoons, Forgotten Cartoons, Forgotten animation, Lion King edits, Lion King 2 edits, Simba's Pride edits, The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride edits, Space cartoon, 2000s cartoons, 90s movie, 90s film, 90s movies, 90s films, late 90s movies, 1998 movie, 2001 cartoon, 2000 cartoon, 1999 cartoon, 2000s cartoons, early 2000s cartoons, early 2000s Nickelodeon, Phred on Your Head Show, URL with Phred Show
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